Coffeehouse Catholics Adult Faith Formation Series

ALL PARISH ADULTS are welcome to the “Coffeehouse” after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. We invite all parish adults to enjoy coffee and refreshments, followed by a presentation in Saint Joseph’s Hall. Presenters and topics vary. At times, we will have a series of talks; at others, we will offer a talk or discussion on a specific issue.
We also invite ALL PARENTS of the parish to join us once a month to discuss how to approach tough topics with your kids in today’s culture. This year, in Parent Faith Formation, we will use Pope Saint John Paul II’s work, Theology of the Body, to understand how to approach specific issues surrounding human dignity and sexuality with our kids. We will discuss issues such as modesty, dating, gender dysphoria, and pornography. These are difficult but important conversations, and we hope all parish parents will join us.

Adult and Parent Faith Formation
MAY TOPIC: Overview of Islam
Sunday, May 12
9:30am in St. Joseph’s Hall

Fr. Byrd will give an overview presentation on the subject of Islam, which is growing in the west and is at the center of the geo-political challenges our world faces year after year. What should we know about this religion? The subject is complex, but we hope to look briefly at the origins of Islam and review some of its fundamental claims.

Click HERE for the 2024 Parent and Adult Faith Formation CalendarÂ