Youth Ministry: Under the Mantle

Mount Zion is known for many magnificent and powerful events in ancient Christianity. It is a place of encounter with God, representing both the historical Jerusalem as well as the prophetic New Jerusalem to come – our heavenly homeland. We are called to “mount the heights of Zion” in praise to the Lord, bringing Him our highest worship and offering ourselves back to Him. Our high school program, ZION, is designed to lead our youth from Antioch, where they are formed in faith, on “to the heights” of holiness. The teens move from studying Catholicism and learning who Christ is to truly encounter the Triune God and going forward to proclaim the good news of the Gospel.
Our middle school program, ANTIOCH, takes its title from the city where, as tradition holds, the first Gentile church was founded and the followers of Christ were for the first time called “Christians”. We hope that by their participation in our program our youth will come to a deeper discovery of their identity as Catholic Christians and accept their missionary call to discipleship. By developing their faith during these formative years, they will be better prepared to move on from this Christian community and serve the world in charity and truth.
Our Current Events

Contact the Youth Minister, Lindsey Martin

Support Us 

In order to provide an enriching program for our teens we need to be in our own communion with Christ and connected to the Holy Spirit. They are His children, trying to grow in relationship with Him. The greatest support we can receive is your prayers: for our leadership and teaching; for the teen’s openness to the Spirit and Truth; for our parish, our families, and our program. 

If you would like to extend your generosity through financial or material support, please contact Lindsey Martin. Some things we are almost always in need of: supplies for games, snacks, candy, and meals before Youth Group nights or for the Core Team.