
Mary Our Queen would like to assist participants to know the truth of the saving work of Jesus Christ so that they can grow in love with him and come to the place where they desire nothing but to do his will in their life. For non-Catholics that means helping them to embrace the fullness of the Christian faith by entering Christ’s Mystical body; his One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. For Catholics that means helping them to finish what God began in their baptism, when they were born again of water and the Spirit, by completion of the sacraments of initiation.

We invite all adults who are curious and have questions to journey with us, one gathering at a time. We’ll do our best to welcome and serve you as we strive to grow in our knowledge of Jesus Christ, exploring who we are, where we are going and how we are going to get there. RCIA is an opportunity to come together with a community of adults to grow in faith, and prayerfully consider God’s timing in discerning decisions to become Catholic or receive Sacraments.

Are you interested in becoming Catholic and receiving Sacraments?
Do you have questions about the Catholic faith?
Are you concerned about making a time commitment to get those answers?
Are you wondering if the Catholic Church will accept you?

Have Questions?

For more information on the RCIA program and how to get started, contact:

Todd Coury
(770) 416-0002 ext. 106