18 and Older

What is RCIA?

RCIA is available to adults who have not been baptized or who were baptized in a non-Catholic church or community. The program is also available for those who were baptized Catholic, but have not received First Reconciliation, First Communion or been confirmed. We encourage you to begin this journey with an open heart and mind, allowing God to be your guide.  The decision to become Catholic and receive Sacraments will be yours to make, without pressure or expectations.

What is the process?

The process for adults to become Catholic and receive Sacraments begins when you are ready to take the first step, a conversation to get acquainted.  We are interested in learning a little bit about you, and how we can be of help in explaining the RCIA process and answering your questions.  Then, when you are ready, we will help you create a faith formation plan to guide you in a journey toward sacraments.  As we move forward on that path together we will explore the Christian faith and how Catholics live it.  We will experience and learn about the Mass, and delve into and reflect on scripture.  We will provide opportunities to grow in understanding prayer and learn about the sacramental life, as we strive for a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

A Journey of Faith

Have Questions?

For more information on the RCIA program and how to get started, contact:

Leigh Anne Butrum 

(770) 416-0002