Join the MOQ Choir

We Need YOU…to join our Choir!
Here are 5 powerful reasons God loves when we sing:
• You glorify God
• You plant deep roots in the Word
• You strengthen yourself spiritually
• You give the gift of your singing to your parish
• You build community and fellowship with the “team” of musicians in the music ministry.

And if that’s not enough, here are 5 powerful physical benefits of singing in the choir: (2008 joint Harvard/Yale study of a choirs)
• Singing in a choir improves your posture
• Strengthens your respiratory system
• Lowers your blood pressure
• Calms your heartbeat
• Strengthens your immunity and increases your life expectancy!

Please prayerfully consider joining the Adult choir at Mary Our Queen. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 7 pm starting in August. If you want to join or have questions, please email Anne Boshinski, our Director of Music, at Note: Youth Choir signup will be at the Music table for the Ministry Fair on Sunday, August 25.