High School Spring Retreat


All MOQ high school youth are invited to retreat with us Friday, March 8, through Sunday, March 10 at Camp Westminster in Conyers, GA. Our theme for the weekend will be taken from Genesis 32 where the cunning, successful Jacob wrestles with the Lord in the dead of night. This story has been a metaphor of prayer for Christians throughout the centuries: to contend with the Lord; to persevere with Him; to come face to face with the Creator and grapple with Truth.  Of course there will be a lot of time for fellowship, fun, and great food!


Cost: $125

Register by February 25


Spring Retreat Form

Register here for our High School Spring Retreat March 8th-10th at Camp Westminster. Participants must currently be in 9th – 12th grade in the 2023-2024 school year to register. Registration is not complete until payment has been submitted.

Name of Participant(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Sweat Shirt Size(Required)
Parent Name(Required)
Are you a MOQ parishioner? (extra fees may apply)
Emergency Contact Person(Required)
Max. file size: 200 MB.
In signing this form, I certify that all information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.