Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study on Thursdays | 2 to 3:30 pm | St. Joseph’s Hall

New Session started on Thursday, Sept. 19th ~ Join us ANY time!
All women are invited to attend the Women’s Bible Study as we continue our journey through Dr. Brant Pitre’s CD series “Genesis and the Books of Moses” covering the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

The book of Genesis may well be the most exciting and mysterious book in the Bible. For Jews of Jesus’ day, the most important part of the Bible was none other than the Five Books of Moses (a.k.a. the Pentateuch: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). For thousands of years, these five books laid the foundations of Jewish and Christian belief about God, creation, man, Adam and Eve, Original Sin, the Flood, Moses and the Exodus, the Tabernacle, the Law, and on and on.

In modern times, however, no book of the Bible has been more attacked or more misunderstood than the book of Genesis. There is also no other part of the Bible about which people have tougher questions than the Five Books of the Pentateuch. In this long-awaited full-length Bible study, Dr. Brant Pitre takes you on a guided tour through Genesis and the books of Moses. After years of research and teaching the Pentateuch, in this electrifying new series, Dr. Pitre answers common questions such as:

• Did Moses write the Pentateuch? What does the Catholic Church teach?
• What about the theory of multiple authors “J, E, D, and P”?
• Do the two accounts of creation in Genesis 1 and 2 contradict one another?
• How do we interpret the Six Days of Creation?
• Were Adam and Eve historical figures, or are they just symbolic?
• Was the Fall a historical event, or is it fictional “mythology”?
• What have the Popes said about Creation, Evolution, and Original Sin?
• Were the “Sons of God” who married the “Daughters of Men” really Angels?
• How do we interpret the account of Noah’s Flood?
• Are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob historical figures or legends?
• Why did God ask Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac?
• Did Moses really lead the Israelites out of Egypt? Is the Exodus a legend?
• What is the meaning of the Ten Plagues against Egypt? Were they miraculous?
• What is the key to understanding the Ten Commandments?
• Why did God demand Animal Sacrifices and Kosher Food Laws?
• Why does God allow the Israelites to engage in Holy War?

If you’ve ever wondered about any of these topics; if you’ve ever been stumped by tough questions about Creation and the Fall; if you’ve wondered how the ancient Church Fathers, modern biblical scholars, and the Catholic Church’s magisterium answer these and other questions, then this is the Bible study for you.

Please let us know if you would like more information about our Women’s Bible Study through the form below.

MOQ Women's Bible Study