EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS assist clergy in distributing Communion during Mass and taking the Eucharist to the homebound. Training is required before serving in this role. If you are interested in joining our ministry, please contact us through the form below.
Category: MINISTRIES – Liturgical
LECTORS continue the mission of preaching God’s Word by proclaiming it in the liturgical assembly. Through prayer and preparation, our goal is to make God’s Word come alive and inspire contemplative reflection about each reading during mass. Training is required, and teens are welcome to join. If interested in becoming a lector, please contact us through the form below.
Funeral Coordinator Ministry
Our Ministry coordinates and assists with funerals held at Mary Our Queen, ensuring that families, guests, and parishioners of MOQ feel loved and cared for during their time of grief. We are in need of a Funeral Reception Coordinator to help families set up and serve food in St. Joseph’s Hall after a funeral. If you are interested in serving our ministry, please contact us below.
Contact Funeral Coordinator Ministry
Wedding Coordinator Ministry
Wedding Coordinators assist with wedding ceremonies held at Mary Our Queen, ensuring the day is unique and special as couples celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage.
Liturgical Art Guild
The Liturgical Art Guild creates a sacred space to reflect the liturgical seasons throughout the year. If you are creative, have a flare for decorating, and love of flowers and nurturing plants please consider sharing your talents.
Altar Servers
Boys and Girls who have received their First Eucharist assist the priest at regular Masses and other liturgies. Serving on the altar and assisting the priest provides an opportunity for them to appreciate their faith in a special and satisfying way. Parental support is required.
If your child is interested in becoming an Altar Server, please contact us through the form below.
Contact the Altar Server Ministry
Our volunteers assist in seating parishioners, collecting the offertory, and directing the Communion process. We also greet, welcome, and assist the faithful as they gather for worship. Teens Welcome.
Altar Guild & Care
The Altar Care Ministry consists of parishioner volunteers who rotate the weekly collecting, washing and ironing of our sacred linens used during our masses. In addition, other volunteers do weekly light housekeeping on our altar.