Serving more than 1,000,000 Catholics, the mission of the Archdiocese of Atlanta is to proclaim the Gospel of the Lord and grow all of north and central Georgia in faith, hope, love, and service to others. “Like the disciples we know that we must spend time in His presence, to allow His heart to speak to ours.” Archbishop Gregory J. Hartmayer. Your gift and participation in the 2024 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal help make it possible by supporting the ministerial, outreach, education, formation, and discipleship work of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Please give prayerful consideration to your level of support to help fund the essential ministries and services supported by the Appeal. The campaign goal is $9,350,000 and our parish goal is $81,600. Every gift to the Annual Appeal is vitally important to assure the continued support of many important programs that help thousands in our archdiocese each year through the education of our children and seminary students, evangelization and Christian Initiation, ongoing formation for our priests and so much more! Pledge or donate HERE