Stewardship at MOQ ~ Be a light in our World: As we look ahead to 2024, what gifts can you bring to our parish community? The life of our parishdepends on you, and we ask you to prayerfully consider how you can contribute to Mary Our Queen. Your financial support enables us to remain a light in the world for our parishioners, neighbors, and community. Our 2022-2023 Parish Financials will be mailed to all registered parishioners by the end of next week. We also included an Offertory commitment card for next year. If you are already giving to our offertory, thank you for your continued support! Would you consider increasing your donation amount?If you don’t give to our offertory, we are still grateful that you are part of our parish family. Could you help support us in some small way? All gifts make a difference regardless of the amount. You may also submit your offertory commitment through the form below. Again, thank you! We truly appreciate your generosity!