Celebrating Our Faith through Music
Liturgical music at Mary Our Queen invites children and adults to sing, play, and participate in the life of the community, encourages all to seek a deeper life of prayer and service and reaches across the great musical traditions of the Church. We encourage an ego-free and inviting experience to sing or play to the Glory of God. Our ensembles become small faith communities where we pray for each other and truly become a family of God’s children joined together by His grace.
Youth Choir is for 2nd to 8th grade-aged children. Rehearsal times vary.
Adult Choir is for ages high school and up. Rehearsals are on Thursdays at 7 p.m., and the Choir sings at the 11 a.m. Sunday Mass and other Masses based on our Liturgy Schedule.
Cantors and Instrumentalists are required to audition. Rehearsal times as needed for our Liturgy Schedule.
St. Hildegaard Schola Choir members are required to audition. The choir sings at the 5 p.m. Sunday Mass.
If you have an interest in any of the music ministries at Mary Our Queen, please contact us below:
Contact the Music Ministry