Coffeehouse Catholics: Adult Faith Formation Series

Come grab a cup of coffee and join us at 9:30 am on Sunday mornings in St. Joseph’s Hall for Adult Faith Formation. We will record all of our sessions, so if you miss one, bookmark this page to access our audio archives.



September 15: The Way, the Truth, and the Life
We will kick off our new series designed to help you explore the faith which Saint Jude tells us, was once for all delivered to the saints. We start off by exploring the words of Jesus, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” In them we will see how they form the basis for everything else our Lord wants for us if only we would open our hearts.

September 22: Divine Revelation
How does God reveal himself to us? We can only discover so much about God through our reason. At some point, in order to know Him intimately, we must rely on Him to tell us about Himself, and He does not disappoint.

September 29: Creator & Creation
We will look at God himself and what he has created. The Blessed Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith. In its light we are able to see all the other mysteries. Can we really claim to be Christians if we do not try to understand this mystery on any level? If we want to understand ourselves, we must try to understand the One who made us in his image and likeness.