Adult Formation on Sunday Mornings
Please join us for food and fellowship us at 9:30 am on Sunday mornings in St. Joseph Hall. Our Adult Faith Formation offering will begin at 9:50 am. We record all of our sessions, so if you miss one, please listen to our PAST sessions here.
March 30 – The Mystery of Suffering and Evil
Why do we suffer and why does God allow evil? This week we will attempt to provide a deeper understanding of how suffering can be a part of God’s plan. Join us as we learn how to unite our sufferings to those of Christ’s and how to find hope amidst the trials of this life.
April 6 – The Lord’s Prayer
It is the best known prayer in the world, but do we know what we are asking when we pray it? Join us as we explore the prayer that Jesus gave us himself. We will look at each of the petitions in order to discover their relevance to living out the Christian life.
April 13 – Preparing Our Hearts for Holy Week (Full Family Faith Formation)
Walk through the most sacred week of the Church year with a deeper understanding of each day’s meaning and significance. This Holy Week presentation explores the events of Jesus’ Passion, Death, and Resurrection, and invites us to reflect on how we can share the Good News in our own lives.
April 20 (NO CLASS – EASTER)
April 27 – Road to Emmaus
Join us as we delve into the powerful story of our Lord’s appearance to His disciples after the resurrection. Discover how this journey can deepen your faith and understanding of the Scriptures and your experience of Jesus in the breaking of the bread. Uncover the rich symbolism and spiritual insights to be found on the Road to Emmaus.
May 4 – 2nd Coming & the End Times
Join us as we explore the return of our Lord. There are many false narratives in popular culture about what will happen when Jesus returns. This week we will look at what the Church teaches about the End Times so we can prepare ourselves properly.