We welcome you to Mary Our Queen’s Loretto Ministry!
Loretto is a new Mary Our Queen ministry where Catholic families come together and plan shared events for their children, themselves, and others. Made up of primarily home-school families, Loretto organizes wholesome, family-friendly, and virtue-building activities around our faith affirming the Catholic Church’s time-honored teachings.
Through Loretto, Catholic families share resources to provide their children with faith-filled experiences. Loretto reaches out across parish boundaries, but also within our parish, to share our faith and to build a stronger Catholic life in our community.
Offerings will include informational sessions, resource sharing, family-friendly events around the liturgical calendar, field trips, teen events, mother support, and family events. We often join efforts with Holy Family TORCH to provide our families with more opportunities. Please see the contact for TORCH information below.
Questions about our ministry? Please contact Lori Snowberger, Loretto Ministry Leader, at loretto@maryourqueen.com
GA Intent to Homeschool Form– Required to be filed at the start of each school year.
Catholic Curriculums Available
Seton- https://www.setonhome.org/
Catholic Heritage Curricula- https://www.chcweb.com/catalog/
Kolbe- https://courses.kolbe.org/
Mother of Divine Grace- https://modg.org/aboutus
Catholic Hybrid Schools in North GA
St. John the Baptist in Marietta- https://www.stjohnthebaptisthybrid.org/ (includes co-oping)
St. Alcuin in Flowery Branch- https://alcuinacademy.org/ (includes co-oping)
St. John Bosco Academy in Cumming- https://www.sjbacademy.org/
Regina Caeli Academy in Roswell- https://www.rcahybrid.org/
Locust Grove Academy in Crawfordville (Purification Heritage Center)- https://www.hrcga.org/church/locust-grove-catholic/
Co-op schools
Catholic Schoolhouse of Atlanta: https://atlantaga.catholicschoolhouse.com
Catholic Schoolhouse of Jasper: https://jasperga.catholicschoolhouse.com
Support Homeschool Communities
Holy Family TORCH: https://holyfamilytorch.com/ – Most of our homeschool families are members of this group. We host many of their events at MOQ. Membership is $25/yr.
Catholic Homeschool Community
https://www.catholichomeschoolcommunity.com/ – Your place to connect, to foster friendships, and joyfully travel this homeschool life!
The Catholic Homeschool/GA- https://www.thecatholichomeschool.com/support/states/georgia/ (This site includes much of what is listed above, but also about athletics for homeschoolers)