Christian Initiation: How do I become Catholic?

Do you want to learn more about the Catholic faith?

In the Christian Initiation process at Mary Our Queen we endeavor to assist participants in knowing the truth of the saving work of Jesus Christ so that they can grow in love with him and come to the place where they desire nothing but to do his will in their life.  For non-Catholics that means helping them to embrace the fullness of the Christian faith by entering Christ’s Mystical body; his One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.  For Catholics that means helping them to finish what God began in their baptism, when they were born again of water and the Spirit, by completion of the sacraments of initiation.

If you are interested in finding out more, please contact Todd Coury ( or 770-416-0002 ext. 106).

Who should participate in Christian Initiation?
  • Interested in becoming Catholic
  • Youth (7-17) or Adults (18+)
  • Never baptized (or are baptized, but not in the Catholic Church)
  • Baptized Catholic
  • Never received First Communion and/or Confirmation
  • Youth (7-17 & Grades 3-12) or Adults (18+)