Sacramental Prep

First Penance and First Eucharist

For: Baptized children in 1st and 2nd grade

Children preparing to receive the sacraments of First Penance and First Eucharist should be in the 2nd grade and have at least one prior year of faith formation per archdiocesan guidelines. Children should also be registered in faith formation for the current year, and parents must indicate upon registration their desire for sacramental preparation. We will be using Pflaum Gospel Weeklies “Together in Jesus” in order to prepare children to receive their Sacrament. This program will be incorporated into both the Good News and Venture programs in order to provide foundational and continued sacramental formation for children in the 2nd-5th grades.

Child and parent(s) must attend both the First Eucharist and First Penance retreat, as well as submit a copy of the child’s baptismal certificate before the reception of the sacraments. Dates for the retreats will be sent out with the faith formation calendar but may be subject to change. If your child does not meet archdiocesan guidelines, but you would like to discuss sacramental formation options, please contact the youth faith formation coordinator.


Contact MOQ Faith Formation